Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

No More Excuses!

Okay...clearly the focus of my journey is my weight.  That is why they call it weight loss surgery!  BUT, I am doing the weight loss surgery as a focus on my health.

So it is time to stop saying, I am a big girl, I surely can't go to the gym.  That that is just plan bullshit!

Yesterday I met with the membership coordinator at Brickbodies.  I signed up for the WaterWorxs/First Step Program, that was recommended by my surgeon.  I will meet once with a personal trainer to set goals and do an assessment, then I will meet with someone that works with the pool.

I have decided to start slow, doing something to get myself motivated.  The goal is to make working out a habit way before the surgery.  I have also decided to not force myself to do the exercises that I know I won't follow through with.  I am going to focus on the pool, strengthening, becoming more flexible and as the weight begins to come off, I will expand to other areas of the gym.

I have had so many people give me advice on what I have to be doing to lose weight, building muscles and improve my cardiovascular system.  I simply say, thank you and move on.  Nobody knows my body, except for me!  Nobody knows my limitations, except for me! I also know that when I am motivated, I can push myself to do almost anything. 

As I continue down this path to surgery day, it becomes more and more clear, who I need to keep in my circle and who needs to removed from my circle.  When you are fighting for your life (because let's face it, when you are morbidly obese, you are killing yourself), you need cheerleaders!  You need people who will let you cry and work through the inevitable emotions and you need people who will call you on your crap!  I am lucky to have those people in my world!

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