Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Psychologically Cleared for Surgery

On May 17th, I met with Dr. Paul Giggey.  Some of my inner circle know, that while living in San Francisco, I went through a pretty traumatic situation.  After my best friend helped me realize I was in a depression from the "event", I started seeking help from a therapist.  I think I fired 5 before I found Bev, who was amazing!  So, needless to say, I was a bit leery about seeing a therapist now.

I actually enjoyed talking with Dr. Giggey.  His practice is housed in a space that is very warm and welcoming.  He is easy to talk with and clearly is used to working with morbidly obese clients and seems to understand the emotions behind it.

It is also very flattering with a therapist tells you that you have a presence about you and should really consider becoming a practitioner.

He cleared me for surgery! I learned a few things about myself in the process.....he says, I am not as much as an emotional eater as I thought I was (I am not really convinced of this, but we will see) and he confirmed for me that I can hold resentments.  This is something I work on intentionally.  I learned a long time ago, forgiveness is about my healing, not theirs, but sometimes the trust piece is difficult for me.

My guess is, if I can figure out how to afford it, I will seek Dr. Giggey's help in dealing with the emotions that large weight loss is bound to dredge up!

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