Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, April 6, 2017

By the Numbers.......When the scale betrays you, look at your inches!

It's been a month since I last had my measurements done.  I knew I was losing inches, even when my scale didn't budge.

My desk chair, keeps getting more space between my legs and the arms, my clothes are swimming on me, I can sit on my couch with my legs crossed and not feel like I'm barely on the couch and I keep having to adjust my car mirrors and the seats at the gym.

I know I bitch about going to the gym, but I sucked at going in February and March and KNOW if I stay committed, I will get to goal faster while building muscle.

Soooooooo from 6/29 to 4/5 I've lost 93lbs and 46.25 inches!  That is CRAZY!!!!!!

From 3/1 to 4/5 I've lost 17lbs and 6.25 inches!  Almost 20lbs in a month, with some stalls and very lax attitude about working out.  So if I suck it up and get my ass moving, more and more, I know I will be below my next scale goal before my birthday.  JUST 13lbs until I am below 300lbs for the first time in my life!!! 

If I can keep up with around 17lbs a month, I will be at my next scale goal by the end of July, which is what I want so I can go riding with a friend, in NH. That would give me a grand total of 169lbs gone!

You will notice that the weight listed is 6lbs heavier than my scale at home.  My goal is to focus on the scale going down and my inches going down.  It is frustrating that all scales are calibrated differently, but as long as the numbers are going in the right direction, I will suck it up.

I'm on my way to the 200's!!!!!

If you are just starting your journey, I recommend having your inches done.  It really does make a huge difference in seeing how far you have come!

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