Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Why support is so important

I have mentioned, on several occasions, that I am one lucky girl!  I have worked hard to surround myself with people who support me, but don't enable me.  My friends, call me on my bullshit and celebrate my victories.  They let me cry, laugh with me, plot with me, go on adventures with me and love me unconditionally (even when I do stupid things). 

Through this journey, I have been lucky to find a new family, a group of people who live this journey everyday.  The reason I chose the COMP program at GBMC, was because the surgeons there, believe that success happens when there is a support system in place.  Once a month a group of WLS patients come together to talk about the new lives with have, how to navigate tough situations and fight urges that helped us to become morbidly obese.  We share resources and stories.  It is a group that supports, but also holds each other accountable. 

I was able to give someone the extra Atkins Lift water I had as well as some protein powder that I purchased, but didn't enjoy.  I will be giving someone else the vitamins I purchased, but make me nauseous, because she is able to tolerate them.  Another woman, shared her calcium chews with me, and it allowed me to figure out, I would be able to tolerate them, so that I can be more compliant with taking my vitamins and calcium.

This support group has become a group of people I lean on, ask questions to and look towards for information as I continue on this journey.  We are all in different stages of the journey and are able to share with each other our personal experiences.

I am so glad to be able to expand my circle of friends, while maintaining relationships with those that have supported me all along.

I hope you all have friends, that send you sweet gifts, to let you know how proud you are.  Have friends, that see a post on Facebook and send you a random text that says: "I am so proud of you".  Friends who are willing to forego your "normal" meet ups, to do something a little healthier, than indulging in alcohol and food. Friends who are not a part of your day to day, but you know, you are in their mind and heart as you travel on your path.

I am a lucky girl and know it!  Thank you to all of you who stuck with through my journey and welcome to my world, for those of you who have allowed me to share this journey with you!

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