Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Drum roll please.........

On December 2nd at 10:45am, I will be in pre-op waiting for Dr. Bello to remove 2/3 of Alfred (my stomach).  It has been a challenging journey, lots of life changes, but the past 6 months was worth it.  I never thought I would get weight loss surgery, it just wasn't something I thought about.  When I read the studies that came out about the Biggest Loser contestants, that all changed for me.  I knew I had made the right decision when I left the office this morning.  I can't wait to see where the journey continues to take me!

So here it is, 6 months after I began this journey and in 2 months, I will undergo weight loss surgery.

I have set up alarms in my phone for to help me remember and time my vitamin intake.
    I have set up reminders to stop taking the medicine that I have to stop taking certain medications.

    I need to really look at my calendar and put in for my sick leave.  I work for an amazing company and can do lots of work from home, so I am not worried about the time away being approved.

    I have updated the pages on the blog to include a sample vitamin and medication schedule, what meds I have to stop and when, what meds I will have to take after surgery.

    Tomorrow I will call my PCP and schedule my pre-op appointment.  Then I just have to wait to hear that insurance has approved!

    Phew........2 months to finalize everything!

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