Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Friday, May 15, 2020

Marie Kondo is onto something

Happy Friday!

I had been spiraling in my depression and decided in order to pull myself out, I needed to take control of something each day.

My first decision was to start the medical weight loss program, I mentioned in my last blog post.  Then I decided I needed to get my bedroom in order.  LORD do I have a lot of clothes, too many and most are not clothes I would wear or that fit.

Sooo.......I embarked on the Marie Kondo way of purging and organizing.

Here is just a sample of what I have accomplished.  I have 3 closets in my bedroom and have only completed 2 of them.  I have 2 three-drawer dressers and finished all of those.  The 3rd closet is tomorrow!  UGH  wish me luck because it is the worst of them!  Then on Sunday I am planning to tackle my craft closet.  Another nightmare, but I really don't scrapbook anymore, so do I really need to keep all that stuff?

Leadership Quote – Clarity and Simplicity from General George Casey But I guess my point of this is, that when I got dressed this morning and I opened my drawers, I smiled.  Seems silly right?  But I was able to find the shirt I wanted to wear, the jeans I knew would be most comfy today and the undergarments I wanted, all without messing up the drawers and throwing stuff on the floor!  That is a huge win.  I at first thought, no way in hell I am going to take the time to fold that way each time I do laundry, and then when I opened the drawers today, I thought, yes I am.  so simple and made my morning stress free!

Alexandra Robbins Quotes | QuoteHDIn times of uncertainty, it is important to embrace what you can control.  How are you maintaining control in your world?

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