Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

NSV: Flying

A year ago, I flew for the first time since surgery.  At that time, I could, tightly buckle the seat belt, but it was uncomfortable and I had to suck it in!

On January 29th, I had to fly to Birmingham for work, and I was able to not only buckle the belt, BUT there was some slack!!!  Oh happy day!!

One of the first blogs I wrote was about my embarrassing experience on a plane.  It is so uncomfortable and embarrassing when you have people staring at you and giving you looks because of your size. NOT ANY MORE!!  This girl can even put the seat tray down.

 I also took the time and rode a carousel.  I haven't done that in over 13 years and the last time I did, I sat in one of the bench seats, because I was nervous that the horse wouldn't function the way it was supposed.

Finally,  I got to see the difference between where I was a year ago (just 2 months out of surgery) and where I am now!  It's always fun to do comparison pics.  Most of the people at the meeting hadn't seen me in a year.  It was a bit overwhelming to have so many people comment on my change, but it was always humbling.  I've worked hard, but not as hard as I could be working.  So, if I want to wow them even more next year, this girl has to get her butt in

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