Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I'ts been too long!

Image result for i'm back gif 

Sorry it's been so long since I posted!  Life derailed me a bit and I realized I really miss putting my thoughts out there.

 Lately, I've been reading and hearing a great deal of people talking about revision from the sleeve to bypass because they think the sleeve failed.  STOP IT! The only reason for a revision is because medically you need it.  If you stopped losing weight, re-evaluate your exercise and diet!!!

Image result for no starchImage result for take ownershipYour sleeve hasn't failed, you have!  Go back to basics, do a reset so you can feel that you still have restriction.  I stopped exercising like I used to and I allowed starches back into my diet. I haven't gained, but I'm not where I should be at 11 months out.  BUT you will NEVER hear me say it isn't my fault.  I decided I could do starches in moderation.  I was wrong, the starches made me stall and I've been detoxing (AGAIN) from them.  Listen, I didn't get morbidly obese because I HATED bread and pasta.  

So, I'm here to say, I'm human, I slacked, BUT I'm baaaacccccckkkkkk!!  

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If you are stalled, change up your routine, don't give up!  Do different exercises, eat different food, add more calories or decrease your calories.  Increase fat for a day or two and see if that helps.  Our bodies get comfortable and need to be reminded of the task we are asking it to do.  

I also have to remind myself that the only person I should compare myself to, is me.  Just because some of my friends are at goal at 1 year out, I had over 200 lbs to lose to get to goal.  My body is different and I've done things differently.  I'm a work in progress and that's okay.  I'll continue to surround myself with supportive people, but people who call me out on my shit.  I've lost 135lbs.  that is AMAZING!!!!

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