Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

By the Numbers.....It's been awhile and I'm not thrilled, but progress is progress

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Sometimes you just need a wake up call or an affirmation that you know something needs to change.  I'm not anywhere near where I wanted to be at 18 months out from surgery, BUT progress is progress.

I started back at the gym in March, but have not been consistent.  I have also allowed some bad food habits to creep back in.  Starch has found it's way back and it isn't pretty.  It makes me feel GROSS and stales my weight loss. I had my measurements done last night, in hopes that it would spark a renewed dedication to getting healthy.

Image result for quotes about progressI'm down 2 more inches since March, BUT that just isn't good enough.  I can do better.  No, I WILL do better! I'm definitely not beating myself up, I'm proud of how far I have come on this journey, BUT want to get so much farther.

Image result for quotes about progressLiz, divert your eyes for this next sentence.  I no longer HATE the gym, don't get me wrong, I don't have it, but it is much more tolerable.  I feel myself getting stronger after each training session.  I'm able to move my body more easily, I can walk longer distances and I just feel better.  My rings fit better, my bracelets are looser and my clothes fit differently.  

So I'm recommitting again! Each day I will do something positive towards my journey until I get back to everything being habit and not a struggle. Today, I'm walking 5 buildings at work and that is 31 flights of stairs! 

Tomorrow I will be headed back to the gym.