Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Friday, July 14, 2017

Everything has a season, even relationships.

I like to think I'm a pretty amazing friend.  Am I perfect?  Absolutely not.  I'm loyal, supportive, challenging, fun and accepting.  But when I'm hurt by someone, it's really hard for me to move past it.  I always forgive, but it's difficult for me trust them again and open myself up again.

Recently, I experience something I hadn't experienced since middle school.  I was with group of girlfriends and had two people texting about me, while sitting next to me.  I knew my friendship with one of the woman was strained, but NEVER did I imagine I would be so disrespected when I invited them to spend time with my circle of friends. The rift began because I texted my friend about my frustration with something that was going on my bday weekend.  Was I being dramatic?  YES  Was I being unreasonable at the moment?  YES  Did I recognize those two things within a few hours?  YES  But friends should be supportive and let you vent, then give you feedback.

I have forgiven and moved on, one of the relationships has survived and the other, well, everything has a season.  Women need to support each other and not tear each other apartment.  Jealousy creates competition and that is toxic in friendships.  Why can't we celebrate other's successes?  I didn't like who I was becoming with one of those friends.  I feed into the negativity and the mean girl attitude.  That is just not who I am.  I tried to salvage things, but the texting incident really did draw a line in the sand for me.
Take a listen to one of my favorite songs!  It sort of says it all.

The situation reminded me of why I am so careful about who I share my family with and who I let into my circle.  I have worked really hard to become the person I am.  When your boyfriend and other friends are telling you that your mood and demeanor is being affected by people in your world, in a negative way, it is time to re-evaluate.

Which brings me to how lucky I truly am!  I have a group of people that I met in my surgery group, that are AMAZING.  I haven't met some of them (in person), but we still support one another through this journey.  We are honest with each other, but understand the journey better than nobody else.  It's hard, no really, it is HARD!  I have a tool, but like any tool, if you let it get rusty and don't take care of it properly, it will be destroyed and unusable. I love these people.  We trade clothing, work out together, do social outings and become invested in each other's lives.  It is what makes COMP the best program around for weight loss surgery. 

I'm also really lucky to have a core group of friends that get it.  They support me, but don't judge or mother me when it comes to my food choices.  They encourage me to work out. They encourage me to be my true self and to reach for my dreams and set goals.

Then I have this great guy that entered my world 4 months ago.  He likes larger women, but he wants me to be happy so supports me getting healthier.  He encourages me to go to the gym and helps me to stay on track food wise.  

Hold onto the relationships that help you grow, that challenge you to be better than you were yesterday.  You never know how long someone will be in your life.  Figure out the reason they have entered your world and learn from it, embrace it and let it go when it's time.  Endings are hard, no matter the nature of the relationship, but sometimes ending a relationship is the only way to survive it.

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