Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Friday, June 16, 2017

By the Numbers: Old Habits Die Hard

So, it's been a month since my last "reality" check.

This past month was not as successful as I would have liked it to be.  Why is that, you may ask?  I allowed starches back into my diet and not just as a treat.  See, when you are morbidly obese for your entire adult life, and you have an addiction to the item that keeps you alive, it is a struggle EVERY day.  The exercise isn't the hard part, it is the food piece that trips me up.

Starches are no joke people.  I have been feeling sluggish, my face is breaking out, my mood is different and my weight and measurements reflect the diet change as well.  I have to keep remembering that Dr. Bello gave me a tool, the COMP family trained me on my tool and it is my responsibility, and mine alone, to use the tool correctly.  Fat brain be damned.  I don't care how damn good that cookie tastes or how damn good a hotdog in a potato bun is, starches are my enemy.  My brain craves them and once I reintroduced them, I have been struggling with detoxing from them.  You will notice, that I did lose some inches, but not nearly the success I have had when I stick to the routine and the plan.  To only lose an inch in a month, is NOT ACCEPTABLE.   I'm thankful for any lose, but get it together Gretchen.  As a side note, I'm pretty sure my chest gained in inches because of the bra I was wearing.  So, a tip to all, wear the same type of clothing and undergarments when you weigh in and get measured. 

I promised myself and my surgeon that I would continue to blog for two reasons:  to keep myself accountable AND to show others that you can stumble, get back up and succeed.  I wish people would stop staying they can ONLY reach a certain weight.  Stop looking at the averages that get listed in all of the WLS groups on FB.  WE CAN REACH WHATEVER GOAL WE SET FOR OURSELVES.  The tool will only take you so far, and that is what the averages that are listed show.  That shows what you can reasonably expect IF you do the bare minimum.  So let's get our asses outside, ride a bike, take a hike, go swimming, get in a canoe, just do something to make ourselves feel better and get healthier.