Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Journey part 2

Wow,  I started reading back through my journaling because I had my revision from sleeve to bypass on December 3rd.  That is exactly 4 years and 1 day past my 1st bariatric surgery.

So for those asking, the pic to the left shows the difference.  I currently have the 1st (VSG), I am having a the gastric bypass.  (so my new tummy will be approximately the size of a thumb).

SAY WHAT???  Yep, the size of a thumb.

I'm did the revision because of the horrible acid reflux I was suffering from.  I was hoping medication, exercise, and losing the regain I had would correct the reflux, but alas, it had not.  :-(

Trust me, I had been fighting this revision for 2 years now.  And when Dr. Dovec said Dec. 3rd, I about fell out of my chair (I found out 13 days before the surgery date).  I was not mentally prepared.  I really thought that due to COVID, the procedure wouldn't happen until early 2021.  

The first time around, I was pumped, I felt like it was my choice (yes, I know this is technically my choice, but it is either this or continue vomiting daily).  I feel like COVID added to the stress because my loved ones weren't able to wait in the facility for me to be done, my parents really shouldn't have been travelling and because I had to have a stupid COVID test (again), I had to self quarantine afterwards, so that meant I wasn't able to go to PA for Thanksgiving.  I haven't seen BJ's family since February and that is just not okay!

This is the first year Beej and I didn't get to do our holiday traditions.  No cookie exchange, no visit to Valley View Farms together, no buying a new ornament from a travel destination and no shenanigans!

Well, here I am, 14 days after surgery and I have to say, I am SOOOOOOOO happy I made the decision.  For the 1st time in 2 years, I have NO reflux and I have slept better than I have in the past 2 years.  And the bonus part is, I'm down 14 lbs since surgery.  WHAT????

Drinking is soooooooo much easier with the bypass.  Reaching my liquid goal has been super easy.  The restriction with more solid foods is much more than with the sleeve.  So reaching my protein goal, daily, has been tough.  But I will get there.

This is a crazy journey and it really is like starting over again and learning the new stomach is not so much fun!  

My advice to anyone thinking about bariatric surgery, if you have ANY reflux before surgery, don't go with the sleeve, go with the bypass.  I did not have any reflux before, but about 2 years in, I started with severe reflux that I wasn't able to control with meds.

My other piece of advice is to make sure your emotional/mental health stuff is being worked on.  The best thing I have done is start seeing a therapist at the beginning of the revision process.  It is so important to figure out why you choose food and became obese.

I'm so thankful to Dr. Dovec, Jana Wolf and the entire COMP team!