Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, October 19, 2020

Opinion Piece: Social Media

I've been journaling a ton lately and one of the topics that seems to be reoccurring is dissent and debate. 

Then, I'm watching Arrow, on Netflix (yes, I'm late to the party!) And season 5/ episode 13 talks about these very things. The vigilantes are discussing gun control and they all have differing opinions. One person tries to shut down the conversations because it makes her uncomfortable that there won't be a resolution.

It is HEALTHY to discuss politics in a respectful manner. It is healthy to be able to disagree, listen to the other person's standpoint and opinions.

I enjoy having discussions with people who have different views than me. I only shut it down when things turn personal and disrespectful.

I'm increasingly frustrated with people posting on social media and then asking people not to respond. If you don't want to have someone respond to something you post, DON'T post it!!! It is not disrespectful to disagree, it is disrespectful to censor, belittle, and spew hatred. (many of you may unfriend me for this opinion or put distance
between us, that's okay, you do what you need to do to protect your mental health!) But don't be surprised if I say something to you about posting something and then behaving in a manner that is hypocritical.  Don't ask for respect, but then turn around and not show respect.

This is a phenomenon that occurs even more around election time. 

I don't unfriend or block, I choose to continue to ask people why they have that opinion. Educate yourselves and be able to explain your why and be willing to learn.

I am also begging people to STOP hitting the share option until you have done your own research.  Let's try to remember that Facebook is not a news media, it is meant for entertainment and social connection.  When you just hit share because it "sounds" correct, you could be perpetuating a false statement or report.  Unless I can find 3 sources with the same information, I don't share it.  If I am not able to find the source, I ask people if anyone has seen the information.  Educating ourselves is the only way this country is going to heal.  

Here are some articles I have read lately, regarding social media and how it is shaping people's freedom of speech, lack of social skills, creating more anxiety, etc.



