Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, April 5, 2018

I did a thing......A thing I said I'd never do!

 When I started this journey and the weight started coming off, people kept saying, great you can run 5Ks with me.  My response was always, HELL NO!  I'm not a runner, will never be a runner.  Well,  the other day, it was only drizzling when I went into the store. When I came out, it was pouring.  So, I ran..........

Don't get your hopes up, I'm not going to become a runner.  But it didn't kill me and I wasn't winded after the short dash to the car.  I didn't need a paramedic, my knees held up and when I got to the car, I thought, well shit did I just run from the store to the car?

So, I guess I can do short sprints and MAYBE (again don't get your hopes up), I will incorporate short sprints to my walks with Maisie. 
 What I know is this.  I have struggled the past year and a half.  I allowed situations to cause me to not be the best version of me that I know I can be.  And even though Rob was a huge cheerleader and encouraged me to go to the gym, choose healthy food options, I allowed my work world to be an excuse.  So instead of feeling like a failure at work and using that to motivate me to be successful in other areas, I just gave up (well not completely), but I wasn't focused or dedicated.

I was exhausted mentally, stopped taking my medication, stopped tracking my food intake and took my new tool for granted.

So in life, it isn't how many times we fall, it is how many times we choose to get back up and go.  I've been in a better mindset since the end of January.  I'm not longer using things as an excuse to not be successful.  I'm back to doing small group training (which is where I find I succeed, versus large group classes).  My trainer continues to push me past what I perceive to be my limits.  My friends continue to check in and make sure I'm in a good head space.  I keep reminding myself that my goal is healthy curves and a sustainable lifestyle.  BUT if I want to occasionally eat a delicious empanada, then my butt needs to stay focused and work out 5 days a week and choose something active the other 2 days.  My weekends are pretty packed for the next few months, that must means Monday through Friday, I need to be on point.  I give all of you permission to check in on me, ask me what I did to be active.  Ask if I've been tracking my food.

I have the resources, I just need to utilize them.  I have an amazing health coach, from Canada, that has such an amazing program that I've been following on and off since I decided to do this journey.  She creates food plans and all you have to do is follow them.  She is a WLS patient and has been maintaining for a while now. Check her out: https://www.sleekandsassynutrition.com/home/ and her Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/groups/SleekandSassyNutrition/. Christina Beckett joined forces with Lindsay Hack to create Sassy Evolution.  It is a company that joins nutrition with exercise.  Lindsay makes it easy, her company Evolve4You (https://www.evolve4you.com/) does online interactive fitness classes.  The barre class kills me!  So there is no excuse to not get your work outs in.

I also work out with Liz Dumont, she works with lots of bariatric patients and is such a great trainer!  Her Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/Be-Forever-Fit-1664906150255143/.
I've been working out with Liz since June 2016.