Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Friday, December 1, 2017

365 days; 8,760 hours; 525,949 minutes........

Image result for trip around the sunOn December 2, 2016 I had a life changing experience.  I had weight loss surgery.  I put my faith in my surgeon that he would provide me with a tool that was going to change my life FOREVER!

To say I was nervous, would be an understatement. Even that morning, I wasn't sure I was going to go through with it.  I worked hard from April 2016 until that day to get ready, to change my eating habits, to incorporate physical activity and going to the gym, to get my head on straight and remind myself that I'm worth it. 

I'm under 300lbs for the first time since high school. I feel better, I look better and I'm healthier.  

Image result for celebrateMy transformation allowed me to open up my heart to a great guy, but it also has provided me with the strength and self esteem to not allow people to treat me less than stellar.  I have a right to ask for what I need and want, as long as I am willing to compromise on the small things. I will no longer compromise on things that are important to me just to maintain a relationship.  That is a very different approach for me.  I've always been the person to make things right for everyone else.  To try and make things easier, to take the burden on.  Now this girl speaks up, holds her head high and loves herself more than she ever has.

I've worked hard, but it is time to work harder!  I want to lose another 100lbs in 2018.  That will put me under 200lbs.  I can't even begin to tell you the last time I was under 200lbs.  BUT I WILL GET THERE!  With the support of my friends and family, with the encouragement of my boyfriend and as always with the amazing friends I made through COMP! 

140lbs gone forever, never coming back.  That's an entire person.  HOW did I function with that much more weight on me?